Consulting options are offered for a variety of demographics and environments:
- Teacher groups
- Schools
- Boards of Education and Administrations
- Non-Profits
- Community Organizations
- Parent Groups, etc.
Individual Workshops (2 hrs.)
Faculty and Staff
Global Citizenship Education (Teaching Global Community in the Classroom)
Who are my students? Who am I in relation to my students? How do I, unkowingly perpetuate messages of privilege and inequality through my materials and curriculum? How do I do the work of shedding the outdated definition “color-blindness” to best prepare my students for a lifetime as members of a global community? A workshop meant to prepare teachers and administrators to confront their biases and empower students to become globally-minded, empowered and inclusive.
- Children are noticing differences. The disservice of avoiding the conversation.
- A short history of teaching privilege. (the book)
- Interpretations are different according to our perspective (the tracing game)
- Who is in your classroom and what are they learning from your materials?
(The limiting messages of place)
- A New Multicultural Curriculum; Global Education as expanding practice for children
- The 4 Tenants of global citizenship
- From “know your place” to empowering pedagogy
- Global Citizenship as a Human Right (Netherlands, etc.)
- Classroom strategies for global citizenship education
- the power of parent/teacher and parent/community partnerships
- (the needs of the particular school…)
Parents and Caregivers
Raising Children for the 21st Century (Global Education at home)
Our children are developmentally inclined to notice differences and wether or not we’re talking to them about it, they’re observing difference and drawing judgement based decisions as early as six months old. How do I support my child through this sensitive education? How do I begin the difficult conversation? What self-reflection is required to not perpetuate messages of privilege my child is already learning? How do I raise my child to prepare them for a world where we are more connected than ever before?
-“Why are all the bad guys brown?”
- Children are noticing differences. The disservice of avoiding the conversation.
- A short history of privilege (the book)
- Our global community: The Power of Knowing Your Neighbor
- The danger of “colorblindness”
- Strategies for shrugging off the fear and having the conversations (or doing it scared).
- (the needs and concerns of the parents present…)
Who Are You? (Globally Empowered Minds)
Who are you? How do you identify? Why do you identify the way you do? Where do the messages come from that tell you what to value about yourself and what to devalue? We are all members of a global community; more connected now than at any other point in our history. Global citizens are empowered by a lack of physical, mental and emotional boundaries. In this space, the work is to create and maintain relationships across boundaries of differences while also actively valuing personal identities. This workshop is an exploration of how we can move from a limited self-image, informed by messages of racism, gender bias and socio-economic (in)ability to an empowered an expansive sense of self.
- My Awakening as a Global Citizen (in 3 acts!)
- Who Are You?: the self reflection mashup
- Racial identity on the scale or “How I learned to identify by my color.”
- A short History of how we learn privilege: The Book!
- Why we interpret the same messages differently (the tracing game)
- All of This is Yours: limited vs. empowered living
- Strategies for bringing your whole self to the world.
- (the needs of the particular student group…)
Full Day Programs (6 hrs.)
Faculty and Staff
- Prior to consultation, a date and preliminary objects are to be set between Dr. Hancock and Site Director/Supervisor. Ahead of proposed date, faculty and staff are to read article sent.
- 30 minute introductory meeting with Director/Supervisor to discuss their individual professional goals
- 30 minute meeting to discuss the Director/Supervisor’s envisioned goals for their staff
- Dr. Hancock will visit each classroom/educational space to observe the curricula in action, meet each instructor and hear what their individual desired take away from the consultation will be.
- Faculty and Staff Workshop detailed above
Parents and Caregivers (5 hrs.)
- Prior to consultation, a date and preliminary objectives are to be set between Dr. Hancock and the organizing Parent/Director.
- 30 minute introductory meeting with organizing parent/Director to discuss goals of the consultation.
- Parent and Caregiver workshop outlined above
- One on one consultation with Dr. Hancock on best practices and next steps.
- Prior to consultation, a date and preliminary objectives are to be set between Dr. Hancock and the Organization
- Ahead of proposed date and time, director and staff are to read sent article
- 30 minute introductory meeting between Dr. Hancock and organization
- Student workshop outlined above
- Individual consultations with students to talk about best strategies and next steps.
In building and facilitating healthy consulting relationships, it is of utmost importance in my role to provide valuable information, raise crucial issues, cultivate a safe space where clients can tackle the difficult and uncomfortable to achieve success, and at all times treat clients as partners.
In keeping with the philosophy of global citizenship, events are created to be available to a wide range of audiences and tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual organization. As such, pricing is offered on a sliding scale. Please contact Robin directly for detailed information.